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Buckeye Tunes-Translated reflection (updated)

When preparing for this assignment, you have to consider the deeper questions of emoji like “How do they work?” and “How can you translate from English to emoji and have people understand it?”. First let’s look how they work, Emoji or Emoticons are small pictures that show various emotions, actions, and even places. The trick to communicating with them, is to use actions like pointing which can signify “this” or “that”, then using places like mountain pics or field pics as a direct translation. The whole point is to keep it simple for a crowd, because they may see the much more complex interpretations that you use and flip them 180 degrees and see them as the exact opposite. It’s kind of like communicating with someone who speaks a whole different language, that you, your gonna point at objects and use whole lot of hand gestures, as will they, and hope they get at least the jist of what your saying. Because of what I just explained, it makes me think people use them because they allow for the bare minimum communication, like instead of saying “WTF!” you can just put an angry face and they make get the point. This also brings up there effectiveness in enhancing whatever it is you are saying by adding the emotion that you otherwise can’t get from a text message on a phone. By adding a emoji to the text you are basically painting your emotions across their screen for them to better understand how whatever you’re saying should be perceived. Along with that, I think the real reason people use emoticons is just because they bring a slight bit more entertainment to the conversation, whenever I get bored I tend to throw a few emoji into the mix an just see how the other person takes them. They also make for a great way for you to avoid answering questions or mask your emotions when someone is really annoying you but you just don’t want to make petty things a big deal. Anyway when looking at how I first started using emoji, I was actually using social media like Instagram, Snapchat, and Facebook far before I personally used Emojis, so when one of my friends kept using them in text messages, I asked about and she told me how to get them. I have never really be so insightful of social media, I know how to use it, and tend to scroll through like a mindless zombie frequently when trying to get through a long waiting period, mostly Twitter. One thing that people tend to do with social media is put Snapchat in the same category, I feel it is much more personal, I uses it much more than texting to be completely honest. Social Media isn't a very strong skill of mine whether or not I enjoy it, in fact my buddy actually gives me crap because I don't have what he so preciously calls "social media game", which in all honesty I could care less how many likes and followers I have, I am just not so focused on that. Right now in Pop Culture I feel like politics determines a lot of things people do, now more than ever, everyone has to either be controversial of start a movement on social media. The music is all the same way, people are not so original anymore, if there is a trend either follow it blindly or wear the black sheep outfit. For me I prefer the black sheep, because you will never catch me in white Vans and skinny jeans listening to Lil pump, it is just not who I am, I'm gonna listen to DMX and go crazy or Kanye and laugh in my sweats and hoody. Another thing is there is always a viral video, always some new slang everyone is applying to their vocabulary, and it isn't just like a couple people, everyone says the same thing, and I have to admit I fall into it, lets be honest, they are catchy. I never really thought about how much we use Emojis until I started looking at all these articles and thinking about all he time I sent an upside down smiley face instead of a few long accentuated emotional sentences to a person. They are a everyday thing, people sometimes don't even use words, when my mom gets bored she'll just send a few emojis and we will go back and forth sending them. In this process I considered a few fairytales and really didn't want to right my ow, why just write the three little pigs or your own version which will likely be weird and sloppy. Then I started thinking, what is something I really love, and I happened to be watching The Ohio State Football highlights, and was stumped actually because I wasn't sure how it would fit, then Parris Campbell came across the formation on a jet sweep and scored the first touchdown of the game, and when I look up and get very excited, all I can hear is the band. It clicked for me, the fight song, or in this case fight songs would be perfect, they are both very storied and a integral part the Buckeye gameday experience. So I went and found the lyrics to both "Across the Field" and "Buckeye Battle Cry" and kind of just went from there, and the best part is they both had a story to tell. "Across the field" talks about how you must fight and battle the team across the field, with basically a Buckeye army of fans, and of course Brutus, or in this case lay siege to conquer these teams and capture the "Old Conference" now, and is played before games and at the half in all sports, but is the chosen pregame song of the Marching Band. While "Buckeye Battle Cry" talks about the "Eleven warriors brave and bold" who come from throughout the land to be "Men of the scarlet and grey" who must win the defend the honor of the buckeye army. This really hit home for me because I am a huge Buckeyes fan, and I love any chance to share that piece of me with you the readers. I really hope you all have enjoyed this piece and took something from my rambling, have a blessed Thanksgiving. Signing off, Mack


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