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My meme reflection (updated/edited)

If a picture is worth a thousand words, a meme is worth a thousand plus words. For this next post I will be sharing my creative insight of memes, or lack there of. I've always had a tough time with making creative stuff, with my own hands or with my own thoughts. Memes are a form of art, they take a sharp wit, and a fitting image. The biggest thing about memes is there ability to relate to those who see them, the more people who relate are the more people who will pass it on. But like all art they come in all shapes and sizes, and vary in there own created genres. You look at memes everyday and you just laugh and move on, but there is so many genres and within those genres they are interpreted in so many ways. It's so crazy that memes have grown just beyond a way for people to share frustrations, sadness, or whatever feelings, and turn them into humor, now they are a communication between those who like and share each others posts. For my meme I tried to capture my struggle with creativity through a meme, that in all irony is not that creative, even if I thought it was when creating it. My process involved meme starting with me just looking through some meme generators, and the one I found to be the most simple to navigate was "", and it had a lot of the memes that had a format that I was familiar with. Then I had to go through the process and find the right meme and so I made about four. I created a few, featuring the office with Dwight, and even the Batman smacking robin meme we analyzed in our class. and a couple others like the "Can't if you don't?". Then I had my family look over them and vote on them, and they voted on the "Can't if you don't?" to be the meme I would use. The "cant if you don't" meme  is basically a play on the concept of you wont fail at anything if you never try anything. So for my top text in the photo I said, " You cant post cringy blogs..." and then its says," if you don't make a blog.". This meme is a very honest reflection of how a lot of people treat situations in life and it is funny because it can be relevant to anyone you know. For me I didn't find my meme to be super comical but it was funny in a it's relatable kind of way because it expressed how I feel about putting myself out there. What I have taken from this project was that comedy is in the eye of the beholder, and also don't take yourself to seriously. I tend to get embarrassed about what content I put out there but this project helped me understand, that there is always gonna be someone who enjoys the content that you put out into the world and because they can relate to it. Memes are really just a spread of positive or negative thoughts through out social media, and although mine comes off as negative, hopefully people see it as an invite to not be afraid to poke fun at themselves. With all that being said I think more people should choose to use any social media as a vehicle to spread positivity even when it is that encouraging us to learn to make fun of ourselves. To many people end up getting hurt in the crossfire of memes because of their negative underlying messages, so remember to pick up those around you when given the chance. I know that sounded a little preachy, but by no means do I think I am perfect, I mean look at my terrible meme. Hope everyone will enjoy this post and please keep checking me out on twitter, Instagram and to contact me by the email in my profile. Your favorite blogger Mack is signing off.


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