Anyone who knows me well, knows that I am a huge fan of The Ohio State Buckeyes Football, so they would be surprised I chose the buckeyes fight song to translate. Wait a minute, I know what you are thinking, this isn't necessarily a fairytale. I propose to you to think about a fight song in a different way, they carry history like a fairytale. The song made it's first appearance on October 16,1915. Being played by the band ever since, through great wins, nail biting losses, and some good old Buckeye miracles. It is 103 years of tradition, just like any fairytale, it tells the story. This story being a triumphant win in a battle of men cast in the Scarlet and Grey, as they lay siege on their opponents. This song is usually played in pre-game festivities led by the marching band, while the "Buckeye Battle Cry" is reserved for after we score. These two songs are very important in the tradition hardy program that is the Ohio State.
Here are the original lyrics a long with my translated versions:

Here are the original lyrics a long with my translated versions:
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