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The creative process of "Chadron: Black & White vs. Color" (updated and edited)

A photo essay is such a tough idea to grasp, because the story or theme comes from the photos and developing that theme is hard without the words to guide it. I just kept looking at them and Loved the one on Detroit ruins. Mostly because it captured the city and the beauty in the chaos, and because I have been looking for a way to get to know Chadron better. So I knew I needed  to find a way to do so, for me I just need sometimes to get something out there and start looking at it and taking things from it to evolve my ideas. Then I was just bored one day and I started taking a stroll around town and it was just a warm, vibrant, sunny day out so I decided to take some more photos. As I was going a long I was just really ecstatic that I was getting the shots I was getting, after coming back to my dorm, I realized that I just took like 70 photos and I only needed like seven for this project. I just kept looking at them and wondering which ones were right and all in all what I would even make of the ones I chose. I figured I'd just sleep on it and maybe come back to it with a clearer and then I went off to class and my day keeps going on and as I'm walking into Old admin For Intro to CJ I decided to walk around and look at some of the old photos on the walls and read all the cool facts behind them it hits me. I then decided why not compare the photos side by side, where one photo will be a regular color photo, then that same photo in black and white next to the color photo. Not only that but I was messing with the filters and the contrast from the black and white photos looked awesome next to the color photos. I've always enjoyed the old black and white photos, for me they bring you back to a time before you and so I thought why not put an old school twist on modern photos. The color photos were so vibrant with these deep ocean blues, and these vibrant reds and pinks, and then the radiance of the son and the green. the composition of these photos brought a smile to my face. These the black and white photos really showed beauty as well, which isn't something you think about but they really highlighted the sky and even the trees and the sun, there were things in the color photos that weren't accentuated. Then in the black and white photos it would it accentuate the missed details. Some of my favorite photos has to be the one of the veterans memorial, the one in front of the Petersen Drug  and the one of the rose bush. The one of the veterans memorial is awesome because the flag just pops and the fact that I could capture that with the amazing memorial itself  was truly awesome, I do prefer the color version but both truly capture what the memorial embraces.  The one in front of Petersen drug was awesome because although that was the center of the photo the tree in the background seems to stand out the most and really pops, and in the black and white one the sky is so awesome. I really love everything that came out of these photos  and am excited to see where the rest of this project goes. I hope you guys enjoy this and keep checking the blog for updates.  


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