Chadron, Nebraska small town USA, many people don't know about this wonderful little town in the North west corner of Nebraska and all it's beauty. From main street and it's authenticity to the rolling hills that cascade around the town. For me personally I am new here and already so amazed by the simplistic beauty of this town. Because of this the other day I decided to take a walk after class and here are some the cool pics I got. The results speak for themselves, please sit back and enjoy Chadron, Nebraska.

Christmas is right around the corner, it’s a time for breathtaking decorations, ugly sweaters, Cyber Monday deals and of course Black Friday. Wait let me back that up, I guess is more apart of Thanksgiving, no seriously stores are at the point where there open up for Black Friday right after you get done stuffing yourself to the brim with Thanksgiving foods. But be sure fit Thanksgiving in just after you make sure blanket your house in lights. Don’t get me wrong, I love the lights and the cheer, but when you put them up on Thanksgiving it just doesn’t feel like a Thanksgiving. It feels to me like Thanksgiving was originally a nudge on the arm saying “hey don’t forget to be thankful for Christmas..”, and maybe we overshadow that, maybe we take that for granted. If anything, turn off your Christmas music off, kill the lights and move your shopping plans over, and enjoy a meal worth giving thanks for, and Christmas will be waiting for you the next day. While many may feel that Chr...
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